• Welcome To The BTCP!

    Welcome to the BTCP! If your new to Club penguin armies or BTCP please go to our help page.

    run little penguin run!!!

    We are a growing army in CP and continue to become more powerful everyday. Join this army by filling out the questions on the join page.

    Click here to go to the Join page.

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    • 48,582 Troops
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    therestree on this website is a waste
    joeymaster12 on this website is staying.
    Teddy50405 on this website is staying.
    Teddy50405 on this website is staying.
    mlop87 on this website is a waste
  • About Safle

    "Hey, I'm Safle. Ive been in this army longer than anyone else still in it, because i was the co founder.
    I started Club Penguin in October of 2006. I stopped going on after about a year of Club Penguin. In November 2008 I joined the Nachos, my first Club Penguin army. I stayed loyal to them all the time and went through the ranks. On May 31 2009 Tippitytip recruited me to be in BTCP. I was the 3rd person in the army and the only one who hasn't retired.
    I was there when the army was at its peak in August of 2009. Then when the army became inactive, so did I. When I came back, I was demoted to Co-Leader and helped this army come back. At the retirement of Waddle5897 on 1/1/10 I became his succeeder. Long Live BTCP!"

  • About Henley

    Hey my ClubPenguin name is Henley. My real name is..... why would you want to know? I am known as Henley by most people, Henly by Teddy, and Mysterion to those I do not know. Anyways, I joined BTCP on August 28th, 2009 at exactly 2:35 pm. How I know that is another story. BTCP was my first CP army I joined, being brought here by a penguin I beleive was controlled by Galanoth. Before I joined BTCP, the only army I ever knew of was ACP, which I never really understood. Anyways, this is getting pretty long so basically to sum it all up I think im a good leader and I beleive that others think that too and I hope to assure this army a good future. ~Henley~
  • About Demery

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  • About Hearts

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Table of contents:

1. Flag

2. Servers

3. Allies and Enemies

4. Laws

5. History


btcp flag 3.0

our flag-animated

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Neutral-mammoth(All armies)

Neutral-Outback(All armies)

Southern Lights-Parties,Attacks, tournements ,etc.

Permafrost-Recruiting sessions

Cold Snap-Practice sessions


*= how good


PDW(Penguin Dynamite Warriors)*****

CPL(Club Penguin Lightning)**

NW(night warriors)***

UMA(Underground Mafia Army)


Club penguin romans****


Hot sauce army(Allies)

Golden warriors(Allies)


Shadow troops of Cp

Black Panthers


  1. don’t cuss on the site
  2. don’t hack Xat
  3. Don’t hack WordPress
  4. Don’t hack Club Penguin
  5. listen to leaders orders
  6. don’t spam the chat
  7. Have Fun and kick @$$
  8. always come to Scheduled events if possible



The Black Troops of Club Penguin was an army started by Tippitytip on may 31 2009. Later that day the other three founders TobyTobe, Safle, and Waddle5897 were recruited. Safle, Toby, and Waddle recruited several recruits until early July when another great BTCP legend came to be Galanoth213.

With the help of the BTCP troops and the great leaders the BTCP were at their peak (in July- August 2009 with 240+ troops.) This lead to the great decline of BTCP (September- November 2009.) The new leaders Demery, Henley, and Safle brought BTCP back to greatness (as of 1/9/10.)


*Safle: 2rd BTCP recruit. Amazing leader, Along with Waddle, started recruiting alot of recruits in June. Became inactive, was demoted to Co-Leader and Became leader again when Waddle retired. Was leader in the great decline of BTCP(5/31/09-present)

Waddle5897: 3rd BTCP recruit. Along with Safle, got many good recruits in June of  ’09. (5/31/09- 1/1/10)

TobyTobe: 1st troop ever recruited. Great leader brought this army far (5/31/09- some time in October 2009)

Tippitytip: Founder of the army (5/31/09- some time in the summer of ’09)

*Henley: Great leader. Leader during the great decline of BTCP (12/10/09- Present)

*Demery: Also a great leader. Recruited troops to end the great decline. Was Waddle’s succeeder. (1/1/10- Present)

Galanoth213: Helped start up the rise of BTCP. (1/1/10- 9/18/10)

Teddy: Strict freak. Impeached a lot. Finally impeached for a final time on 1/16/10.

*= Current Leaders.

5 Responses

  1. Hey wanna be allies with UMCP? Our site is http://umofcp.wordpress.com/

    We are The Universal Marines of Club Penguin


  2. Hello BTCP you may not remember me but my name is Masterwindoo I have been in your army at its golden age at its height when we had safle, waddle, galanoth, Ttobetobe you remember. Teddy was also a leader but he turned on us. I created the army JTCP remember what it stands for? Jet Troops of Club Penguin. Later I was accused of treason in your army and was forced to war… unfortunately for me most of my army were members of your army as well and they chose your side… that was the last my army was ever active, that was the last time you ever trusted me. After some time BTCP decided to make me co leader and then soon after I was taken off because Teddy didn’t trust me, he had convinced all of the leaders I meant harm to the army. Later Henley was declared Leader I was there when it happened at the chat box. Then Hearts then Demery maybe not in that order. A while later I discovered a new army the “Orange Mafia” or the “Orange Republic” they reminded me of your army they had their golden age and the leaders retired and left the power of the army in the wrong hands. During the time I was a member of the Orange Republic wich Teddy had shown me I found out that Teddy had a plan to take over the army and destroy it. I teamed up with him and he was made co leader. Then he told me it was up to me. I’m pretty sure that was the last time I saw Teddy. I decided not to try to destroy the army. By that time the army was plain dead. It got worse and worse and worse. Time after time BTCP posted rebuilding posts… every one of the posts failed. Then BTCP accepted the fact that the army was dead. Again time after time leaders posted the army was over. I posted to help to become a leader but I never was. That bumps us up to now. I remember more people in the army like cat and alec101. I am like a living piece of BTCP history. So by now you have enjoyed the story but are probably wondering why I am here. I would like to merge my army with BTCP and become a leader in your army as well. ~Windoo~ http://jettroopsofcp.wordpress.com

  3. hey , im the leader of the club penguin army troops wondering if we could be allies contact me on http://xat.com/armytroopsofcp thank you. 🙂

  4. The AACP (Alpaca Army of cp) Would liketo be alliea

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